Monday, August 4, 2008

Football season is upon us.

This is the 2nd season that Ben will be playing for the Rockwall Jackets 1A select football team. We are loving the new coaches! The previous coaches moved up to 2A with the older boys and the old flag coaches moved up to 1A. These are the coaches that took the flag team to win the Superbowl of the league in their divison. They are awesome coaches and Ben has already learned more this season than all of last year. He's doing well and really seems to be a strong force on the team this year. He's one of the older boys now, and he really looks the part out there. They have their first game this Sunday night, but it's a preseason game. Regular season play starts in a couple of weeks. They get new uniforms every year, so I will have to post more pics when they come in. For now they practice every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday evening from 6-8pm and man is it HOT! We hit 107 yesterday, and today is more of the same. Water is now Ben's friend and we are keeping him hydrated so that he can play and practice with little problem. I'll have to get some more recent pics of them all practicing in full pads...these are all helmet only practice pics.

1 comment:

Helen said...

How exciting! Hope his team does really well this year!