Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Urologist? Yup...I'm old.

So I've been having some issues with my kidneys. They hurt...a lot. At first I thought it was perhaps a kidney stone, but now I am not so sure. So I saw the urologist yesterday and I have to go in on Monday for a CT scan of my abdomen and my pelvis, with and without contrast. Then a week later I go and see the Doc again and find out my fate. Could be a stone, a blockage of some other sort or perhaps a prolapsed bladder from what he tells me.

I have to tell you guys that I was the youngest person in there by at least 30+ years. I am not kidding. And it's a small office and it was packed! So guess who stood the whole time. Well not the whole time...I did have a seat for about 5 mins until this old woman came in and gave me the evil eye and I realized that the polite me should give her my chair. So I minded the polite me and did just that. At least she thanked me. And while I was in there admiring all of the wrinkles and oxygen tanks my urology buddies were sporting I made an observation. Why is it that older women write lists on old envelopes and then have them stick out of their purses longways? I noticed a couple of older ladies there with said lists and it reminded me so much of my grandmother. She did that EXACT same thing! So I got to thinking that this must be a practice of the elderly. I texted my sister about it, and I am quite certain she thought I had lost my mind. When I left I called my mother and mentioned it to her and you know what....she does it too! Now..she never used to do that so I am thinking the phenomenon happens sometime after your 50th b-day. So beware if you are fast approaching that magical age.

I will let you know how the CT goes. And maybe I'll have more insight from the older set then as well.


Helen said...

Well, crap! I do that too. What does that mean for my future? Yikes! lol
Hope you get some answers soon. Is the pain gone at least?

Katrina @ Bookish Things said...

I hope you get some answers soon. Hopefully your not having any pain or at least not very much.

Tom said...

Hope all goes well.
love Dad

Dorsey said...

I hope you're feeling better these days/

Anonymous said...

OMG! Noone told me. Hope you're feeling better; please tell me what they say.

I almost wet myself laughing over the whole envelope thing. God do I remember Nanny doing that :-)