Heath Ledger found dead in a NY apt today. Apparently his housekeeper found him unresponsive around 3:20pm and called paramedics. He was pronounced dead at the scene. They are now saying his room was strewn with sleeping pills.
What is wrong with young Hollywood. Hearing all the day to day activities of Britney Spears and Amy Winehouse....I would expect one of them to wind up dead. I didn't, however, see this one coming. It immediately reminded me of hearing that River Phoenix had died. That was surreal as well. Both were very talented actors who died way to soon. Heath was 28. I also am so sad thinking about his baby daughter who now has to grow up never really knowing her dad. That just breaks my heart as a parent. You have to wonder what was so bad in his life to think that ending it would be a better choice.
I am in shock. He was actually my favorite actor and I was so looking forward to him as the Joker in the upcoming Dark Knight. It has wrapped and so I assume will still be released. But now I will just be sad watching the movie and thinking what a waste of such a great talent.